Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and Leaf Plots are used to display large amounts of data an a easy to digest format. In the above example the data consists of family members at a reunion identified by age. The plot is broken dow into its stem and leaf based on first and last digit of of the age. from this it becomes easier to identify where there are clusters in ages and what the ranges are within each cluster.

Box Plot

Box Plots are used to compare the distribution of separate data sets to each other while also being able to identify the median value, range, and outliers.


Histograms are used typically in statistics to analyze the distribution of data. Histograms are on way interpreters can identify any anomalies or irregularities is the data.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Parallel Coordinate Graphs are used to display information with numerous variables. Useful for displaying complex sets of data with numerous relationships to be considered.

Triangular Plot

Triangle plots are used to show the relationship between three types of data in which all three types of data contribute to a uniform whole amount. For example the above plot compares three components of soil composition.


Windroses are used primarily by meteorologists to depict how wind speed and direction are distributed from a particular point.


Climographs are used to display general information regarding climate factors such as precipitation and temperatureover a period of time.